Team of Superheroes
There aren't many of us here in the UK but we have a dedicated team of Production Managers, Merchandisers, Garment Technologists and Quality Controllers in our overseas factories.
Jules is our numbers girl. Making sure everything adds up and everyone is paid on time.
Ernie is usually found in one of our factories. He likes flying! He has over 20 years experience in the garment industry (I know, he doesn't look old enough does he.)
David is our Boss, he's great!! Technical garments are his speciality. Over 25 years of manufacturing experience too.
Everything else
Sophie is the newest member of our team. From Coffee / CAD's, Telephony / Translation. Flights / Fabrics.
2x Production Managers
3x Merchandisers
3x Garment Technologists
3x QC's
2x Production Managers
3x Merchandisers
2x Garment Technologists
2x QC's
1x Production Managers
2x Merchandisers
1x Garment Technologists
3x QC's
1x Production Managers
1x Merchandisers
1x QC
1x Production Managers
1x Merchandisers
1x QC
1x Production Managers
2x Merchandisers
2x QC's